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The European Union’s (EU) Youth Guarantee aims to improve the labour market situation of young people. Rather than prescribing a uniform policy model, it acknowledges that supportive measures need to align with national, regional and local circumstances. It thus seeks to promote mutual policy learning through the open method of coordination. As an innovative measure, the EU has deployed funding programmes to support the domestic measures related to the Youth Guarantee. We therefore examined in this study whether this mix of recommendations and financial incentives has entailed a convergence of member state policies. Our analysis of policy outputs for the period 2007?2014 yields a mixed empirical picture. There is catching‐up convergence regarding policies’ sectoral coverage but increasing divergence concerning the number of adopted policy instruments. The first two years of financial incentives did not produce any effect on enhancing policy experimentation among less active member states. We offer an optimistic and a pessimistic interpretation of these findings.  相似文献   
Jan Lust 《Globalizations》2019,16(7):1232-1246

The Peruvian economy depends for its growth on the export of its mineral resources. The core of the current economic development model is the export of the country's commodities and a free and (relatively) unregulated functioning of the markets. We argue that the continuity of the country's extractive development model is the consequence of the interplay between the objective and subjective conditions of Peruvian capitalist development. The analysis of the objective conditions is focused on the role of the country in the international division of labour, the relation between this role and the country’s economic and business structure, and the functionality of the extractive development model for the Peruvian State. In the case of the subjective conditions, the strength of the political Left, the labour movement and the social movements against mining capital are analyzed  相似文献   
构式与其组构成分间的互动关系一直是构式语法关注的核心问题之一。Goldberg在构式语法理论框架中提出了动词与构式的双向互动观,但在实际论述中却过于强调构式对动词的单向压制,降低了动词义对构式生成的贡献,忽略了对构式组构成分的系统研究。以构式与其组构成分间的互动关系为视点,从构式压制与承继的辩证关系出发,进一步阐释图示构式生成是构式与组构成分在互动压制和多重承继合力作用下的结果。同时,基于封闭语料库穷尽分析汉语羡余否定构式"好不X"的特征,结果表明:构式压制与词汇压制是双向互动的;图示构式特征的形成取决于构式对其组构成分的多重动态承继;图示构式基于互动压制承继合力机制的形成。  相似文献   
Hybrid organizational forms that combine commercial and welfare institutional logics play an increasingly important role in addressing the grand societal challenges we face today. Building on the literatures on hybrid organizations and social business models, we explore the characteristics of social businesses from a business model perspective. This study seeks to better understand the particularities and value drivers of hybrid social purpose in contrast to purely commercial business models. We follow a grounded theory approach and our findings are based on interview data from 17 social business firms. Building on social businesses' identified particularities, we propose four value drivers of social business models: 1) responsible efficiency, 2) impact complementarities, 3) shared values, and 4) integration novelties. We link our findings to the literature, contributing new insights into social businesses models and implications for practitioners.  相似文献   
The current study assesses the association between several work-related factors and psychological distress among social workers (SWs) in Israel. The data were collected through structured questionnaires, administered to a sample of 494 SWs. The findings suggest that most of the examined work-related factors (namely, years of professional experience, personal work-related subjection to violence, burnout, compassion fatigue, and sense of coherence), with the exception of compassion satisfaction, significantly predicted psychological distress among SWs. The conclusion is that it is important to embed within the social work practice strategies for reducing sources of psychological distress (job demands) and increasing material, professional, and personal resources. Reducing the levels of psychological distress experienced by SWs will benefit not only themselves, but also their families and colleagues, as well as their clients. Moreover, this has potential benefits for the social work profession and for the general community.  相似文献   
施芸卿 《社会》2019,39(2):31-57
城市更新中日益增长的社会压力使基层政府产生制度硬化的需求,但持续的高压体制又使其延续制度弹性的逻辑,两者间张力凸显,构成当前的治理困境。本文通过对一个试点项目中制度硬化实践的观察提出核心问题:权力运作空间如何在日益增强的规范性约束下得以再生产。本案例中,制度硬化被拆分为“结果硬化”和“过程硬化”两部分,前者标识着鲜明的刚性边界,后者则暗中预留出弹性空间。通过外部条件硬化、让步规则硬化、加压底线硬化这三重机制,基层政府在与社会的互动中由表及里地拓展了硬化原则背后的边界,使权力运作空间以一种更为正式化、制度化、组织化的形式不断生产出来,展现出更深层、隐秘的治理技术及国家与社会的相互形塑过程。  相似文献   
采用赵婷婷等人修订的《亲子关系调查问卷》和Spence学前儿童焦虑量表,对沈阳市、辽阳市、郑州市三座城市的普通幼儿园344名小班幼儿的亲子关系与其焦虑的关系进行了调查测量研究,主要发现:1)小班幼儿亲子关系发展不存在显著的性别差异;而独生子女和非独生子女在亲子关系中亲密性这一维度上呈显著性差异,即独生子女的得分较高。2)幼儿焦虑中的分离焦虑这一维度存在着显著的性别差异,即女孩得分显著高于男孩;独生子女与非独生子女在强迫冲动障碍这一维度上呈显著性差异,即独生子女得分较高。3)亲子关系中要求性、反应性和亲密性因子与幼儿焦虑总分呈显著相关,其亲密性对幼儿焦虑有极其显著的正向预测作用。  相似文献   
This study examined how Turkey uses social media as a tool for public diplomacy and how the state’s soft-power efforts have recently changed on the global stage. The researchers constructed a dataset of 2769 Twitter posts by the Turkish government’s most influential public diplomacy accounts. The analyses revealed that the focus of Turkey’s Twitter public diplomacy has become concentrated on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and is thematically focused on the political values embodied by the Turkish president. The findings suggest that public diplomacy remains to be the diplomacy of the government, not of the public, and social media is used as just another tool for propaganda, not as a means of engagement with foreign publics. Further, the findings indicate the emergence of a “new” cult of personality in public diplomacy and point out the instrumental role of social media in changing the dynamics of leader-follower relationship. The study contributes to public relations theory and practice by advancing the burgeoning public diplomacy scholarship at the intersection of social media and relational approaches.  相似文献   
袁了凡(袁黄)以其《了凡四训》闻名于世,该书亦被当作训子家书。其实,了凡所作家训并非《了凡四训》,而是《训儿俗说》。作为王龙溪(王畿)的及门弟子,了凡在思想上是阳明后学的一分子,其人生轨迹属于典型的儒家士大夫,其日常修持及著述呈现三教汇通的思想特色。了凡家风淳朴,家学深厚,以儒为宗,兼收并蓄,强调道德主义,注重积德行善,具有出世情怀,对其人格产生深刻影响。  相似文献   
罗康隆  何治民 《民族学刊》2019,10(5):14-23, 99-100
民族学经过一个多世纪的探索,逐步地达成了一个共识,建构一种文化并不是一件轻而易举的事情。文化是指导人类生存发展延续的信息系统,文化的建构是以所处自然生态系统为底本,以并存的社会生态系统为参照,文化这一信息系统不断偏离与回归所处自然生态系统与社会生态系统,在世代延续过程中逐步认知、积累其成败的经验与教训,并在传承的过程中不断地完善和丰富起来。民族以文化为分野,不同民族所处自然环境与社会环境互有差异,这就形成了民族生境的差异性,而民族生境的差异性也同样会建构出不同民族文化事实体系的差异性来。  相似文献   
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